To Practice:

the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it.

My Practice

When I am not holding retreats or creating ceremony, I am busy running my practice.
I offer a wide range of spaces created to give you lots of different ways to develop your spiritual life. You can book time one-to-one, access a pay-what-you-can afford online mini-course, or dive in deep with one of my Earth Mysteries Initiations.

Your journey and spiritual needs are unique and changeable depending on what is arising for you at this time. Its my hope that you will be able to dip into what I create and find a little magic, support, challenge and inspiration.

Not sure where to start?

Then why not sign up to Spirit Heart Sanctuary to access some of my free mediations?
Or maybe book a session to explore where you are & get a little support for your journey right now.

One-to-One Sessions

I offer three main types of One-to-One sessions.
These can be online via Zoom, or in person in Ulverston, Cumbria. Standard Sessions cost £45 and last an hour. Massage is £55 for an hour and a 1/4 or £95 for 2 hours.

Some of my clients always book in for the same type of session because they know that’s right for them. Most people though have different sorts of sessions at different times and this can often be an organic process that responds to your needs.

If you are thinking about booking a session for the first time please email me and we will arrange to have a twenty minute chat over the phone first. This way so you can ask any questions and share with me a little about your needs, Then we can work out together, if what I offer is right for you.

On rare occasions, I may have to reschedule a booked session due to a funeral. Should this happen, I will do my best to find another space for you as soon as possible and to suit you.

  • Spiritual accompaniment/mentoring is a spiritual discipline common to many different faith paths. Often people say to me that they don’t have anyone they can really talk to about ‘this stuff.’ This is where spiritual accompaniment can really help you to gain perspective and connect you in with the vast ocean of spiritual experience left to us by our ancestors and shared by living teachers and writers.

    In this type of session, I will meet you where you are within your spiritual beliefs or religious practice whatever they are or aren’t! The focus of a session like this is to explore whatever is arising within your life and practice that could be making your life with Spirit challenging. I might offer suggestions around possible practices or teachings you could explore for inspiration or I might offer an alternative way of considering your current experience to support you to unlock and let go of any assumptions you are holding. We might meditate or pray or you might simply like to share what is in your heart and ask me to hold space for you. I love these sessions they are all so different because they reflect each person who books in.

    Sessions like this are good spiritual maintenance, they can help you find perspective and help you unstick yourself if things are getting tricky. They can be a useful support during difficult times or times of change. They are not counselling sessions in a therapeutic sense. If I think that you would benefit from counselling or therapy, I will recommend you seek that in addition or instead of working with me in this way.

  • The transpersonal space is the space between us all. It is the space of dreams, of dreaming. Its where our personal inner worlds meet and interact with the intentions, energy fields and realities of everyone and everything else. Its a space outside of time and stretches beyond your personal experience. The body is the true gateway to the transpersonal realm. Sometimes there is value to exploring and resolving this space. It can be a vital part of our wellbeing and our connection to spirit. The purpose of a session like this is to support you to resolve inner entanglements that may be preventing you knowing peace or anchoring Spirit in the everyday.

    In these sessions I draw on my own Earth-Rooted spiritual tradition and healing skill set to create a space for working more dynamically with what is arising for you. These sessions are likely for you if you resonate with more Shamanic or energetic practices. These sessions are always co-created with you and I can offer different methods to approach an issue or situation within a session. The healing work can take place seated or on a massage couch. They may include sharing, guided meditation, exploration of your dreaming body, transformational healing (which is a practice for emotional release), Reiki, Crystal healing, work with sound or drumming, with Meldings, journey work, ancestral work or other-life clearing.

    If there a particular modality that you would like to experience – for example Reiki – just let me know and I can offer that.

  • If you are looking for a little TLC then you might like to book a massage. I am aromatherapy trained and can offer hotstones too. Massage sessions are longer than my standard session to make sure that the treatment isn’t rushed. I only offer massages at the Medicine Garden in Ulverson and as part of my retreats.

    I can combine spiritual healing with massage. If you are looking to take your spiritual practice into your body then you might find that booking this type of massage might be helpful. Just let me know when you make your booking.

Online Courses, Circles & Ceremony

Online Courses, Circles & Ceremony

Like so many facilitators, the challenges of lockdown encouraged me to get creative with my offerings. I have been really inspired by what online spiritual courses can do. I like to create courses that explore the energies of a particular time of year, or a particular aspect or element spiritual life.

You will find some courses and online workshops that focus on developing your spiritual skill set and your ability to stay in presence. Others arise from my own spiritual tradition and explore everything and anything Earth Spirituality based. I offer courses that are purely content based so that you can work with them in a way that fits into your life as well as those that some that include live facilitation to so that you can be part of an online course community. Prices vary depending on length and level of live facilitation. I make sure that I offer some on a pay-what-you-can afford basis.

I host all my online offerings through my dedicated private social media space Spirit Heart Sanctuary. Its free to join and the best way to find out about all my upcoming workshops.

  • The Spirit of Cacao, honoured as the Goddess IxCacao or as Mama Cacao, has long been used in ceremonial spaces. Cacao is a psycho-supportive plant medicine. Its unique magickal combination of caffeine; for alertness & focus; with phenylethylamine for edorphine production; alongside both Anandamide & Theobromine for relaxation and euphoria; make it a great support for self work, presence and dreaming

    My Online Cacao Ceremonies are created to catch the flow of the moon cycle that we are in. Each one is different energetically and intentionally but they are all created to offer you a way to be present with what is arising for you at the time the ceremony takes place.

    Expect music, journey, guided meditations, mini rituals and a place to share with open hearted spiritual people.

    Each ceremony has a parcel that will arrive in the days before the ceremony. This contains the cacao for the ceremony, homemade vegan chocolates and little bits of ceremonial goodness to help you to connect in with the energy of the ceremony.

    Cost £25 plus £4.50 postage - so £29.50 in total.

  • Anchored in our Ancestor's tradition of honouring the seasonal changes, the Eightfold Wheel of ceremonies offers us a powerful way to stay connected to our heart's journey amongst the busyness and the demands of the everyday world.

    These Ceremonies offered on a pay-what you can, if you can basis take place at 8pm to mark Samhain, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas and Autumn Equinox.

    Find all the info on Spirit Heart Sanctuary.

  • We meet most Tuesdays at 7.45pm for an hour or so to ‘do the work’ . Each circle gathering is unique as I respond to what the group brings and weave a journey style healing space for soul deep transformation.

Workshops, Gatherings & Trainings

If you like to come together with others for transformation, connection, and spiritual exploration then you might like to consider one of my in-person events. As well as more structured workshops,

I offer retreat style days with a focus on taking a deep dive into an aspect of self, soul or spiritual practice. These often have a strong ceremonial aspect or offer initiation experiences.

New for 2022, are my dreaming circle gatherings co-created with Jules Clark which are a unique blend of creativity and shamanic-style journeys focused on dreaming for the future. If you are interested in the role plants and herbs can play in wellbeing, then you might be drawn to exploring my Meldings Training co-facilitated with Sarah Atkinson, a medical herbalist of more than 25 years experience.

You can find all the Dates for all my upcoming events in Spirit Heart Sanctuary

Depending on my diary restraints, it may be possible for me to especially craft a workshop or day for a group. Do email me to enquire if you think this might be something you are interested in.

  • Everyday Rites of Passage to connect you more deeply with the Sacred

    These dynamic and creative workshops offer you a space for soulful personal reflection; a chance to explore and deepen your Earth-based spiritual practice; recalibration of your relationship with the Earth and Spirit through ceremony and ritual; and new ways to open up to the magic and the mystery of the natural world. Together we will connect deeply to the energies of the Earth as the living presence that shapes our soulful experience and life journey. These are days for inviting healing into your sense of belonging , and to your capacity to contribute to the world around you from a place of personal integrity and love.

  • Woven & hosted by Jane Alexander & Jules Clarke

    Come join us for a cycle of 7 gatherings timed to support your Soul’s journey as the Earth moves through the Winter months and into the Spring. These times of deep change challenge us to create a pathway that nourishes and supports the Earth as she (and we) transform. These gatherings offer you the opportunity to dive deep into the mystery of life and to co-create at Soul level for the future of All Beings.

    Perfect for you if you are seeking a space to deepen your dreaming skill or to use your intuitive awareness for the good of others and the Earth. The 7 gatherings will draw from Earth rooted spiritual practices, the wisdom of plants, crystals, animals and Spirit in all its forms. If you are looking to learn more about ways of connecting with Spirit and Soul through the Earth or want to engage in active spiritual practice, then this is for you.

    We will meet to sit in sacred circle with the Ancestors, our Soul families and the Great-Grandchildren and to weave dreams for the future of the Earth and All Our Relations. Each session will include time in circle to dream together, to share experiences; and the creation of spirit tools for dreaming including crystal jewelry, totems and a prayer rattle. Jane & Jules will draw on their intuitive memories and guidance to support you to reawaken your soul rememberings of ways of creating to support balance and rebirth here on Earth.

    Next cycle begins Nov 8th 2023
    Cost: £315

  • Begin your journey deeper into plant 'medicine' with us. The Meldings Practitioner course is designed for existing therapists who would like to add the 'prescription' of Meldings to their work with clients.

    Ideal if you are facinated by our relationship with the natural world and how plant energy can be used to facilitate spiritual development and emotional healing or if you are looking to standout from other therapists practicing your discipline in your area.

    Meldings can be easily offered to clients within a session in order to maximise the impact of your massage or energy work and/or offered to clients to take away with them.

    We also offer initial training days if you would like to learn more.